Ecole Intuit Lab



Artistic Direction Plurimédia - UX/UI Design

The training in Artistic Direction offers a reconversion towards global design, integrating branding, visual communication strategy and digital interaction.

10 Rue Felix Faure, 75015 Paris
*Allow 2 additional days of juries at the end of the session
  1. Telephone interview to identify your training needs
  2. Application file to be returned to us completed
  3. Admission interview with the head  of Masters
  4. Support for the choice of financing
To join Intuit Lab Pro professional training, the candidate must:
  • Have a level 6 qualification or equivalent in the communications or design sector.
  • And/Or demonstrate several years of active professional experience in the design sector or a related professional sector: communication, digital, marketing, etc.
In both cases, the candidate must:
  • Present your portfolio and successfully pass an interview.
  • This test is used to assess the candidate and verify that he/she has:
    • Mastery of typography and layout
    • Proficiency in standard computer graphics software
    • Ability to design and implement a visual identity system
    • Mastery of visual presentation and situation setting
    • Ability to speak convincingly
The Creative Design & Graphic Design training course can be offered to you based on your current skills, allowing you to maximize your creative and professional potential by (re)discovering the fundamentals of design. This will then represent the refresher course needed to meet the training prerequisites.
With the aim of opening you up to the professions of design and visual communication, our comprehensive four-month program immerses you in the heart of creativity before teaching you how to translate your ideas into a relevant graphic solution.

The Plurimedia Artistic Director – UX/UI Design training is subject to continuous monitoring with the completion of several projects and oral presentations. These presentations can be organized with internal and external juries. In addition, at the end of the session, a presentation is held in front of an external professional jury.

It is imperative to follow the entire program and validate the 5 blocks of skills that make up the RNCP title. The training cannot give rise to a reduction in the course to obtain the title awarded.

For more details on the RNCP title issued, find out the terms and conditions by skills block on the websiteFrance Skills.

Recognized qualifying training
November 18, 2024 - March 19, 2025
March 25, 2025 - July 22, 2025
560 hours - 4 months
Paris, in person
Depending on financing: €8,500 / €9,500
Last updated on July 8, 2024
  • Initiation au Design thinking (méthode Silicon Valley)
  • Identité visuelle: logo, charte graphique Typographie et création
  • Design éditorial : édition & mise en page Stratégie de création : concept et narration
  • Brand Design et Communication Planning stratégique et génération d’insights
  • Photoshop expert, Illustrator expert, InDesign expert
  • Sémiologie appliquée à la marque
  • Motion Design
  • Direction artistique et création publicitaire
  • Image de marque
  • Stratégie de marque
  • Conception rédaction pub
  • Fondamentaux de la communication
  • Content marketing et storytelling
  • Stratégie marketing
  • Communication digitale et social média
  • Web design
  • Conception d’interfaces web Scénario utilisateur : personae
  • Prototypage UX/UI
  • Ergonomie et stratégie UX
  • UI Design
  • Logiciel Figma
  • Ateliers de prise de parole
  • Coaching personnalisé
  • Développement de portfolio professionnel
  • Initiation à l’intelligence artificielle
  • Immersion (facultative) en entreprise pour une expérience pratique sur le terrain


Take your creativity and strategy to the next level of excellence

The Artistic Direction training offers the opportunity to acquire essential skills in graphic design, visual communication and digital design, allowing participants to master the artistic direction of various projects.

Thanks to an optional 2 to 6 month internship in a company, participants have the opportunity to validate their career choices and perfect their skills in the field, which strengthens their credibility and employability.

The trainers, all active professionals with more than 10 years of experience, offer quality supervision, transmitting their expertise and know-how to the participants.

At the end of the training, participants can obtain the Level 7 certified diploma by the State, which constitutes official recognition of their skills as a Plurimedia Artistic Director, thus reinforcing their legitimacy on the job market.

No. 1 Master's degree in Artistic Direction,
Design and Graphics from France
(Eduniversal 2021 ranking)

2nd Best Bachelor in Artistic Direction,
Design and Graphics in France
(Eduniversal 2023 ranking)

Ranks in top 5 school of Artistic Direction,
Design and Graphics in France
(Eduniversal 2023 ranking)


All the answers to your questions

This Master 2 training in Plurimedia Artistic Direction offers a unique opportunity to develop in-depth skills in the fields of graphic design, branding and artistic direction of digital projects. In 4 intensive months, it allows a complete skills development with a 2 to 6 month immersion in a company.

The training is aimed at people with a Bac+3 or Bac+4 level in Applied Arts or with at least one year of professional experience in graphic design or visual communication. Candidates undergo a selection interview with the director of studies and must present a book of professional and personal work.

By obtaining the RNCP 36738 title “Plurimedia Artistic Director” level 7 France Compétences, this training offers official recognition. It allows you to master the artistic direction of a graphic design project, to design a strategic brand identity, and to supervise the artistic direction of digital projects. The skills acquired open doors in the design, communication and digital professions. The diversity of the program, covering graphic design, advertising design, and digital design, offers triple expertise, thus strengthening professional potential.

For those who can, you have the option of using your CPF (Personal Training Account) budget and/or benefiting from additional funding from Pôle Emploi. In addition, depending on your means, it is possible to spread out the payment of the training. This allows you to facilitate payment if you do not benefit from external assistance. For people in companies, things do not change. You can contact your employer to finance the training. This can go through Transition Pro or its OPCO. Finally, in the event of redundancy for economic reasons, you can apply for funding via the Professional Security Contract (CSP) system.

If you haven't found the answer you were looking for, please feel free to contact us.

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque."
- William Cooper

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque."
- William Cooper

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque."
- William Cooper